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Will be offering the same healing retreat in the near future! Email for more details.

Get Unstuck 




 Healing Retreat

April 15-17, 2022

Fort Worth, Texas 



& Heal from Sexual Trauma

“I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it.” –Maya Angelou

As a practitioner of Emotion/Body Code and a Transformational Life Coach for 8 years, I have heard almost any and every story imaginable. The most frequent of them being from countless women who have shared their stories of some form of sexual violation and/or molestation.  Through many sessions and tears, it was apparent that these experiences played a foundational role in the person's mental, emotional, spiritual, and/or physical imbalances, instabilities, and insecurities.  I was blown away and exhausted, within my first four years of practice.


There were many different faces, however, I was hearing the same stories over and over again. I learned quickly that regardless of race or economic status, sexual trauma did not discriminate. 

of Women reported having experienced some form of sexual harassment and/or assault in their lifetime. - NSVRC 


 Female victims of completed or attempted rape experienced it for the first time between the ages of 11 and 17. - NSVRC

1 in 5

1 in 4

Girls experience child sexual abuse at some point in childhood -CDCP


 of Child sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone the child or child’s family knows. -CDCP

Trauma Creates Change You

DON'T Choose.

Healing Is About Creating Change You DO Choose!!!!

For some this trauma has been buried so deep, for so long, that many women are not aware of the impact that it is having in their daily personal and professional lives. Sexual trauma can change us, distort us, and if allowed, contort us in ways we never imagined. 

For many women, it is a silent wound on the inside that has not been effectively tended to, let only healed. 


IF THIS IS YOU, trust and believe that you are not alone and there is a way to heal from and glean from your experience of sexual trauma! It does not need to define you, stifle your ability to love yourself or others, stop your healing, hinder your growth, or shape your being! 


This retreat is for: 


Women who have experienced sexual trauma from sexual assault, child sexual abuse, intimate partner sexual violence, incest, or other. 


Women who are ready to face and release the impact this trauma has had on them and reclaim their personal power


Women who feel stuck on their healing journey and have not yet addressed the impact this sexual trauma can be having on their lives


Women who are ready to change their perspective and see this experience from a higher perspective and heal from it


Women who are ready to forgive, heal, grow, and thrive through the midst of it all. 


Are you ready to take the next step on your healing journey? 

wounds of sexual trauma & emerge a new woman. 

Join me for an intimate & powerful process to heal the

 This 3 day/2-night self-journey to healing the hurts of the past will empower you as you return to your home with greater confidence, trust in self and life, greater self-realization, love, and acceptance. 


This new state of awareness and being will be fostered through the teaching and practice of .........

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Group Discussion

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Chakra Clearing

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Body Trauma Release Massage

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Movement Medicine

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Transformational Mindset Coaching

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Elemental Purification

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Emotional Energy Healing

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Breath Master / Emotion Code Practitioner / Transformational Life Coach

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