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“Feeling unsure and lost is part of your path. Don’t avoid it. See what those feelings are showing you and use it.” Louis C K


I have been blessed to know you and to have had emotional healing sessions with you. I tucked many of the things we talked about in my heart was they have impacted me and helped me immensely. I love what you do! Thanks so much!

Danny C.

Free 45 Minute Phone Consultation

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4-Month Get Unstuck Energetic Release & Coaching Program

This 3 month program is geared towards those who find themselves stuck in multiple areas of their lives. Within the free-45 minute consultation call it will be determined which areas of life you are most stuck: emotional, mental, spiritual, physical, or relationships. From that place a personalized course of action will be created to guide you on your journey from stuck to clarity and movement forward.

This coaching experience is designed to help you break free from stagnation, confusion of next steps, and feelings blocking you from creating momentum in the direction you want to see your life headed. When we become stuck we can lack insight and vision on where to begin and this is where I come in.


Program Process

  • We will begin your journey with a comprehensive assessment to identify your unique challenges, strengths, and aspirations.

  • Work to set clear achievable goals and construct an action plan for our next 3 months of work together, along with your goals over the next 6 months. 

  • Identify and release negative emotions and energy trapped in your body from the hardships of life, ancestral trauma, limiting beliefs, unmet needs, and the like, that are vibrationally blocking you. This will greatly improve your success rate at making long term to permanent changes. 

  • Learn powerful techniques to shift your mindset, overcome limiting beliefs, and cultivate a new found outcome and perspective on life. 

  • Weekly 1 hour video calls where you will receive intuitive insight, ongoing support, motivation, and accountability towards implementing tailored crafted strategies and tools designed to enhance your progress.

By the end of the 3-month Get Unstuck Program, you will have gained clarity and confidence in your goals, have already started to crush them and experiencing the thrill of movement forward. You will complete this program feeling lighter and free from the energetic blocks that were keeping you stagnated and going in circles. You will be inspired, equipped, and free to now create the life experiences you want and courageous enough to release what is blocking you from having that life.  (.....say something about…..motivated, initiated, empowered………..All the answers are within you. I just help you uncover them)

1 - 2 hour assessment call
8 - 1 hour video sessions
1 - Personalized Creation Meditation


2-Month Get Unstuck Heart Wall Clearing

Throughout our life we will experience disappointments, difficulties, trauma, neglect, rejection, fear, etc and in an effort to protect ourselves we can subconsciously build a wall around our hearts to protect ourselves. This wall has the “appearance” of protecting us however it can become a roadblock in your ability to give and receive love freely, it creates feelings of depression, numbness, isolation, anxiety and self-sabotage. It can block your creative ability to make long-lasting change and success in your life and healthy relationships.

Once your heart wall is down:
-you have the potential to heal from even deeper wounds,
-you are more open to giving and receiving love,
-your physical body is more “open” to healing itself,
-you experience a greater sense of freedom within, &
-you feel more empowered and in control of your life.

In this 4 session process conducted over two month, we will identify the individual trapped emotions around your heart and energetically clear them from your energy field one by one. If you have been in the same emotional state and mental state for too long and you are ready to heal and level up in your living, clearing your heart space is where you need to begin. All sessions can be done in-office, over the phone, or by video call.

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Get Unstuck Coaching Quick Call

Having a serious moment and in need of a quick shift in perspective before you make an emotional decision?

Sometimes we can feel under pressure and just need to talk it through with someone. You can book a 1 hour Get Unstuck Coaching Call when you are having moments such as:

  • Something was said that caused us to feel extremely triggered and you don’t know why or how to shift out of your emotional state

  • When you need to make a decision and no answer seems like the right one 

  • You are experiencing a situation where we want to respond differently, but not know how

  • Feeling stuck from making progress in an area of your life and you need some motivation and activation.

Take a breath, book a call and get help to process the experience, shift your perspective and receive insightful and practical steps to get you unstuck by aligning your head and your heart, thoughts and emotions to move forward.

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Breath Master / Emotion Code Practitioner / Transformational Life Coach

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